Need More Starts in the New Year? Employee Engagement Is the Bottom Line

Build a strong orthodontic team to make your practice grow

What if I told you increasing employee engagement in your practice would lead to increased production? Most people have a vague idea of what engagement means but they likely don’t know engagement is measurable like any of your other practice analytics. We can measure employee engagement using Gallup’s Q12 inventory. Just like measuring your practice…

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What a Strengths-Based Team Is and Why Every Orthodontist Needs One

Create a strong orthodontic team using your staff's strengths

We are in the business of growing orthodontic practices. Depending on the client, this could mean growth in terms of production via new case starts, building and growing just the right team for the client’s practice, growth of systems and processes, brand recognition and beyond. Regardless of how a client is trying to grow their…

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